
md-button is an HTML <button> or <a> tag enhanced with styling and animation to match the Material Design button spec.

Users should employ a button element (<button>) when clicking triggers some action in the current view without navigating. An anchor element (<a>) should be used when clicking navigates the user to another URL. Depending on which element is used, the component will either be an instance of MdButton or MdAnchor. Visually, the two are identical.

Button types

There are five types of buttons:

  1. Flat buttons - md-button
    • Rectangular button
    • Defaults to white background
    • No box shadow
  2. Raised buttons - md-raised-button
    • Rectangular button
    • Defaults to white background
    • Box shadow applied
  3. Icon buttons - md-icon-button
    • Circular button
    • Transparent background
    • 40 by 40 px
  4. Floating Action Buttons (FABs) - md-fab
    • Circular button
    • Defaults background to "accent" palette defined in theme
    • Box shadow applied
    • 56 by 56 px
  5. Mini Floating Action Buttons (Mini FABs) - md-mini-fab
    • Circular button
    • Defaults background to "accent" palette defined in theme
    • Box shadow applied
    • 40 by 40 px

Each is an attribute directive that you can add to a button or a tag. You can provide custom content to the button by inserting it between the tags, as you would with a normal button.


<button md-button>FLAT</button>
<button md-raised-button>RAISED</button>
<button md-icon-button>
    <md-icon class="md-24">favorite</md-icon>
<button md-fab>
    <md-icon class="md-24">add</md-icon>
<button md-mini-fab>
    <md-icon class="md-24">add</md-icon>



All button types can be themed to match your "primary" palette, your "accent" palette, or your "warn" palette using the color attribute. Simply pass in the palette name.

In flat buttons, the palette chosen will affect the text color, while in other buttons, it affects the background.


<button md-raised-button color="primary">PRIMARY</button>
<button md-raised-button color="accent">ACCENT</button>
<button md-raised-button color="warn">WARN</button>



You can disable any button type through the native disabled property. You can add it directly, or bind it to a property on your component class by adding [disabled]="isDisabled" given that the isDisabled property exists.

<button md-button disabled>OFF</button>
<button md-raised-button [disabled]="isDisabled">OFF</button>
<button md-mini-fab [disabled]="isDisabled"><md-icon>check</md-icon></button>



  • In high contrast mode, a strong border is added to the button to make it easier to see.
  • Button focus events originating from the keyboard will retain focus styles, while button focus events from the mouse will not.
  • As md-button is added to an existing button or a tag, it enjoys all the accessibility natively built into these elements.

Upcoming work

We will also be adding ink ripples to buttons in an upcoming milestone.

API Summary


Name Type Description
color `"primary" "accent" "warn"` The color palette of the button
disabled boolean Whether or not the button is disabled
disableRipple boolean Whether the ripple effect when the button is clicked should be disabled

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