
md-menu is a list of options that displays when triggered. You can read more about menus in the Material Design spec.

Not yet implemented

  • prevent-close option, to turn off automatic menu close when clicking outside the menu
  • Custom offset support
  • Menu groupings (which menus are allowed to open together)


Simple menu

In your template, create an md-menu element. You can use either <button> or <anchor> tags for your menu items, as long as each is tagged with an md-menu-item attribute. Note that you can disable items by adding the disabled boolean attribute or binding to it.


<!-- this menu starts as hidden by default -->
    <button md-menu-item> Refresh </button>
    <button md-menu-item> Settings </button>
    <button md-menu-item> Help </button>
    <button md-menu-item disabled> Sign Out </button>

Menus are hidden by default, so you'll want to connect up a menu trigger that can open your menu.
You can do so by adding a button tag with an md-menu-trigger-for attribute and passing in the menu instance. You can create a local reference to your menu instance by adding #menu="mdMenu" to
your menu element.


<!-- menu opens when trigger button is clicked -->
<button md-icon-button [md-menu-trigger-for]="menu">

<md-menu #menu="mdMenu">
    <button md-menu-item> Refresh </button>
    <button md-menu-item> Settings </button>
    <button md-menu-item> Help </button>
    <button md-menu-item disabled> Sign Out </button>


Toggling the menu programmatically

You can also use the menu's API to open or close the menu programmatically from your class. Please note that in this case, an md-menu-trigger-for attribute is still necessary to connect the menu to its trigger element in the DOM.


class MyComp {
  @ViewChild(MdMenuTrigger) trigger: MdMenuTrigger;

  someMethod() {


<button md-icon-button [md-menu-trigger-for]="menu">

<md-menu #menu="mdMenu">
    <button md-menu-item> Refresh </button>
    <button md-menu-item> Settings </button>
    <button md-menu-item> Help </button>
    <button md-menu-item disabled> Sign Out </button>

Adding an icon

Menus also support displaying md-icon elements before the menu item text.


<md-menu #menu="mdMenu">
  <button md-menu-item> 
    <md-icon> dialpad </md-icon>
    <span> Redial </span>
  <button md-menu-item disabled> 
    <md-icon> voicemail </md-icon>
    <span> Check voicemail </span>
  <button md-menu-item> 
    <md-icon> notifications_off </md-icon>
    <span> Disable alerts </span>


Customizing menu position

By default, the menu will display after and below its trigger. You can change this display position using the x-position (before | after) and y-position (above | below) attributes.


<md-menu x-position="before" #menu="mdMenu">
    <button md-menu-item> Refresh </button>
    <button md-menu-item> Settings </button>
    <button md-menu-item> Help </button>
    <button md-menu-item disabled> Sign Out </button>



The menu adds role="menu" to the main menu element and role="menuitem" to each menu item. It also adds aria-hasPopup="true" to the trigger element.

Keyboard events:

  • DOWN_ARROW: Focus next menu item
  • UP_ARROW: Focus previous menu item
  • ENTER: Select focused item
Signature Values Description
x-position `before after` The horizontal position of the menu in relation to the trigger. Defaults to after.
y-position `above below` The vertical position of the menu in relation to the trigger. Defaults to below.

Trigger Programmatic API


Name Type Description
menuOpen Boolean Property that is true when the menu is open. It is not settable (use methods below).
onMenuOpen Observable<void> Observable that emits when the menu opens.
onMenuClose Observable<void> Observable that emits when the menu closes.


Method Returns Description
openMenu() Promise<void> Opens the menu. Returns a promise that will resolve when the menu has opened.
closeMenu() Promise<void> Closes the menu. Returns a promise that will resolve when the menu has closed.
toggleMenu() Promise<void> Toggles the menu. Returns a promise that will resolve when the menu has completed opening or closing.
destroyMenu() Promise<void> Destroys the menu overlay completely.

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