
Radio buttons allow the user to select one option from a set. Use radio buttons for exclusive selection if you think that the user needs to see all available options side-by-side.



A basic radio group would have the following markup.

  <md-radio-button value="option_1">1</md-radio-button>
  <md-radio-button value="option_2">2</md-radio-button>

A dynamic example, populated from a data variable:

<md-radio-group [(value)]="groupValue">
  <md-radio-button *ngFor="let d of data" [value]="d.value">

A dynamic example for use inside a form showing support for [(ngModel)]:

<md-radio-group [(ngModel)]="chosenOption">
  <md-radio-button *ngFor="let o of options" [value]="o.value">



Name Type Description
selected MdRadioButton The currently selected button.
value any The current value for this group.
disabled boolean Whether the group is disabled.

When selection is changed, an event is emitted from the change EventEmitter property.


The md-radio-group component has no button initially selected.



Name (attribute) Type Description
id string The unique ID of this radio button.
name string Group name, defaults to parent radio group if present.
value any The value of this radio button.
checked boolean Whether the radio is checked.
disabled boolean Whether the radio is disabled.
aria-label string Used to set the aria-label attribute of the underlying input element.
aria-labelledby string Used to set the aria-labelledby attribute of the underlying input element.
                             If provided, this attribute takes precedence as the element's text alternative. |

When checked, an event is emitted from the change EventEmitter property.


  • The md-radio-button component by default uses the accent color from the theme palette.

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